Trans-siberian flamingo

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Wednesday, July 18 2007

Rave party on the Baikal

Finally one small hour to geek again before taking the train to Ulanbataar.... yes, the visa expires in two days so we are not welcome anymore in this great country !

Sight to the lake

Some time to share a very special experience. After a lot of encounters, drinking, eating, singing, during the 50 hours of train from beloved Eka, we arrived in Irkutsk on saturday morning, not really knowing what to do until the Mongolian embassy opened on monday so we just decided to take a minibus to the Baikal. In that minibus, a bunch teens talked to us for five minutes and finally decided to invite us to their rave party.

Sasha, Olya, Sasha, Flamingo

So after lunch and first shower in the Baikal, we went to the place, which was actually an agglomerate of old wrenches floating on the Baikal. An usual squatt for alternative Siberian teenagers changed into a party place for one evening.

On se gele les couilles

Of course, the security conditions were totally amazing, far below what you would expect for any party organisation in Europe. The place is almost totally unsecured, with spikey metal parts all around. Combined with the toxicology levels of all this crowd (200 to 300, my estimation), finishing the night with a few broozes is a performance. You can be happy not to fall into the water or bleed more seriously.

The boat

Fortunately the security is here. A bunch of paramilitary guys that seem to take their job very seriously, with guns obviously placed on their lap.

Security... ca rigole pas

Two dancefloors : techno and drum and bass (I finally got my drum n bass party in Russia... yeaaaaah), until 6pm, then sleeping in a former gas vat full of rust (while Jesus was gossipping in our tent).


Great ! This is a confirmation that russians that you met randomly are extremely friendly.

But how come Russian that are on the other side of the cash machine are so rude ?

PS : this is why there are no photos of Jesus on the blog :

Why Jesus is never on the blog

Tuesday, June 26 2007

Blog finally online...yea!!!

This is the blog of a small part of BEST Stockholm going to Russia.

It all started with a cultural exchange we had in February with BEST group Ekaterinburg. We were supposed to go there and visit them. As our lives are a bit pointless, we are gonna go there by train and the craziest of us will continue until the end of the world.

Flamingo Stockholm

Back in Stockholm, we had a lot of histories with a nice plastic pink flamingo who came from nowhere, was stolen several times, and that we all would have been very sad to leave. So what the heck... we decided to carry it with us, hopefully till the end of the trip.

So stay tuned for the tremendous adventures of flamingo team !